ACMJ - Akungba Communication and Media Journal Submission Requirements
Authors submitting to ACMJ must ensure compliance with the following guidelines, as incomplete submissions may be returned for revision.
Submission Requirements
Submissions must be original, unpublished, and not under consideration by other journals (any exceptions should be clarified in the Comments to the Editor).
Authors must follow ACMJ's stylistic and bibliographic requirements as outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Each author must complete and upload the Publishing Agreement during online submission or submit it to the Editorial Office. Manuscripts are not reviewed until all completed contracts are received. After article acceptance, the Editor-in-Chief will countersign and return a PDF copy for authors’ records.
Author Guidelines
Editorial Standards: Articles must be original, and plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Authors are responsible for securing permissions for any copyrighted material and acknowledging third-party sources.
Abstract: Each submission must include a concise English abstract (up to 200 words) summarising the article’s content and methodology, suitable for independent publication and indexing.
Word Limit: Articles should not exceed 7,000 words, including abstract, acknowledgements, and references. An accurate word count should be included.
Publication Schedule: ACMJ is published bi-annually in April and September, available in both online and print formats.
Peer Review: Process All manuscripts undergo rigorous selection and double-blind peer review based on academic merit.
Fees: Authors affiliated with Nigerian Higher institutions are subject to a publication fee of ₦35,000 (Online), for authors affiliated with Nigerian higher institutions and $40 (Online) for authors from institutions outside Nigeria.
Technical Specifications
Submissions must be in English (British English), A4 format, with 2.5 cm margins, 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman, 12-point font.
Include a separate author information page (title, name, affiliation, email, ORCID).
Tables, figures, and illustrations should be correctly numbered and either embedded in text or attached separately, with placements indicated.
Endnotes and footnotes are not permitted. Manuscripts should be professionally proofread, with no page numbers.
Use three levels: MAIN HEADLINE, Headline, Sub-headline, flush left, without numbering or full stops. Headline length should not exceed ten words.
References must follow the APA referencing style, ensuring that all references cited in the text appear in the reference list, and that all citations are cross-checked for accuracy.